Friday, 3 October 2014

How collagen can be good for you ? Comprehensive information about the benefits of collagen and sources

You have to get collagen because there are many benefits of collagen, such as the acquisition of strong bones and nails and hair and skin. Collagen is a protein found in the body and is essential for good health. Moreover, improves collagen levels in the body have a positive effect on heart health and aid in the healing of wounds. The collagen is produced continuously in the body and supports the cells of the skin, but with aging the collagen can begin to decrease, which can lead to the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin. Thus, everyone looking for sources of collagen supplements in addition to existing stores. And now the good news for you, you can improve collagen from food at home and  it can be sent and receive ,offers healthy skin. On the site today, you can learn the benefits of collagen and sources.

First, the benefits of collagen and sources: What are the sources of getting collagen? : 

Fish: such as tuna and salmon contain amounts of omega-3 ,fatty acids and nutrition expert says that the skin cells are enclosed in a membrane protects them greasy. These foods contain large amounts of collagen. 

Red vegetables: such as tomatoes and red peppers and beets , containing lycopene, the lycopene is an antioxidant , it works as resistant to sun and protect the skin from damage ..

Dark vegetable : dark vegetables work to increase the speed of the production of collagen and they contain vitamin G such as spinach and kale increases the speed of the production of collagen. It also protects against free radicals to prevent the weakening of collagen. 

Orange vegetables: vegetables that contain orange color like carrots and sweet potatoes are foods, rich in vitamin A and multiplying the renewal of collagen in damaged skin. 

Berries: Berries help to increase the levels of collagen. 

White tea: White tea contains the proteins essential for the formation of skin cells, such as collagen and believed that it prevents the activity of the enzyme that breaks collagen.

Citrus fruits: study shows that citrus fruits such as oranges or lemons and grapefruit ,they are rich in vitamin C, which has the ability to collagen formation and also an important resistance and free radicals that destroy collagen. 

Garlic: is one of the best sources of sulfur and is essential for the production of collagen in the body 
 ,it provides the body with lipoic acid, and it's an essential element in the re-formation of collagen. 

Oysters: a natural source rich in zinc and are generally rich in minerals and shellfish generally contains a small percentage of the calories and so it has a long list of health benefits.

Second, the benefits of collagen and collagen sources What are the benefits? 

Benefits of Collagen:

Help in weight loss: This may not be scientifically improved,  however, some weight loss products and contraceptives containing this component. In fact, the collagen used in this way to lose weight can be used in cooking too. Collagen is generally a normal gel. And you can use collagen with a healthy diet and regular exercises and healthy sleep ,it helps to proper weight loss. 

Strengthen bones: collagen may be a good option for those who suffer from osteoporosis, especially when it's taken with calcium. And especially that osteoporosis affects many men, women, and regardless of the sex of the patient's collagen is a vital element in it and the goal is to control the weak bones Portal may also lead to improve the flexibility of the bones. 

Helps in improving the health of the heart and the immune: When the proportion of collagen in the system of the heart and blood vessels, can lead to a defect in the heart.
And there is a relationship between the reduced amount of collagen in the body and between the incidence of many diseases. But scientists still study the possibility of using collagen supplements to promote heart health. However, without the use of appropriate treatments and knowledge of alternative medicines such as the use of collagen supplements the heart can be exposed to many health problems.

Promote healthy teeth and gums: Collagen helps keeping teeth and gums healthy. The lack of collagen leads to weak teeth, it helps in the formation of teeth. 

Improve the toenails and hands: Collagen can be used to improve the nails. And restores strength. And taking supplements with collagen constantly lead to recovery nails strength.

Enhances the elasticity of the skin: Age has an effect on the skin may lead to sagging skin and the appearance of wrinkles .The fat layer of the skin (makes it a tight) start to fade with the passage of years. And due to the effect of UV daily, which is working to break down the collagen and connective elements in the skin.Collagen works to rejuvenate the skin. 

Improving the health of hair: Collagen helps in getting hair long and healthy, because it works to increase the protein in the body and build natural hair and hair growth depends on the level of collagen in the hair .

Wound healing: collagen supplements can be used as a topical cream for skin wounds and burns, because collagen helps to renew the skin growth.


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